Verse for today...
And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32
It's a sad day. Len Dawson passed away earlier today at the age of 87. In the 1960's when I first got interested in pro football, Dawson was one of my top two or three heroes as the quarterback of the Kansas City Chiefs. Here are some of the things I remember about Dawson...
Extremely kind and gracious
Purdue graduate
AFL Championship in 1966
AFL Championship in 1969 when the Raiders had their bus pre-loaded for the Super Bowl
Extremely kind and gracious
Unique Kansas City stacked huddle (Google it)
Short pinpoint passes
Innovative and master of execution
Extremely kind and gracious
The 7th son of the 7th son
The loss in Super Bowl I
Screen passes
Extremely kind and gracious
Bombs to Otis Taylor
Getting speared by Ben Davidson
The win in Super Bowl IV
Extremely kind and gracious
Knock down drag out games with the Raiders
My first in-person glimpse of him when he rode in the Hall of Fame parade the year he was inducted. He saw my sign saying "Dawson for President" and pointed it out to Hank Stram. They had a good laugh about it and waved. It was one of the best moments of my life.
Great radio announcer
Did I mention extremely kind and gracious?!
Lenny, I hope you gave your heart to Jesus and are resting in peace. Thank you for all of the thrills. Without you, I would not have chosen the Chiefs to be my favorite team at a very young age.
May God always be your number 1 draft pick!
Draftman Rick