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Fun But With One Sad Memory

Thought for today... Try Jesus. If you don't like Him, the devil will take you back!

It's time to post in the Forum of this website the results of our football picks contest that a group of us plays every year. The contest has us picking the winners of 222 college games and every NFL game for the 2023 season. We don't bet anything on the outcome. It's just a lot of fun with bragging rights involved. However, a sad memory comes to my mind along about this time every year.

We had a guy named Stephen who used to play the contest many years ago. He played the contest every year, but one year, I noticed that he stopped playing during the season. I found out that even though he was only about 50 years old, he had a heart attack and died suddenly. That's sad enough. But, it gets worse. A friend of mine had tried to talk to him about Jesus coming into his heart. He would politely put it off. My friend was persistent and spoke to Stephen about it several times. Sometimes, Stephen would listen, but to my friend's knowledge, he didn't accept Jesus as his savior. That is just the saddest thing ever.

I would like to invite anyone reading this post to accept Jesus if they do not know Him as their personal savior. Instructions are in the "Jesus" tab of this website. If you have accepted Jesus, I encourage you to find someone who might not know Jesus, and start a conversation with them. Use any conversation starter you can think of, like asking if they go to church and tell the person where you go.

Let's do what we can to prevent any more of these sad stories.

May God always be your number 1 draft pick!

Draftman Rick

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